Who is Yuri Vilunas ?
Active Member and vice-president of the International Academy Information, communication, control in engineering, nature, society, He is founder of completely new direction in recognition of man Native medicine He is creator of method sobbing breath What is the sobbing breath? The sobbing breath (the breath of weeping) the most important natural mechanism of native self-regulation The World sensation. On principle new Technology of sanitation without medicine, only by natural mechanisms of native self-regulation (the sobbing breath, the impulsive self-massage, the native night rest, where there is no problem of insomnia and etc.)
  Native medicine

Diabetes mellitus: Full normalization metabolic processes without medicine and diet - only by the sobbing breath and by the impulse self-massage;

Hypertonia Hypotonia: Normalization of pressure during 3-5 minutes - only by the sobbing breath;

Bronchial asthma: Prevention paroxysms without medicine and inhalation - only by the sobbing breath;

Cardiovascular affections: Overcoming of local asphyxia, stenocardia, arrhythmia and etc. without medicine - only by the sobbing breath.

Therapy without medicine - only by the sobbing breath and by the impulse self-massage Normalization of nervous and mental status, sleep - only by the sobbing breath and by the impulse self-massage.

New technology prolongs youth (silver hair and folds disappear) - only by the sobbing breath and by the impulse self-massage.

Author of the sobbing breath Yuri Vilunas instructs his method all people, which wish to be healthy and young as possible longer and to live till 100 years without old age.

Learn to breathe right! Every the second man breathes wrong from his birthday, therefore they are ill often. Yuri Vilunas instructs to breathe right.

Learn to sleep right! So far the people dont know how to sleep right. Yuri Vilunas instructs to sleep right.

Yuri Vilunas is author of many books on Native medicine:
The breath, bringing health
The sobbing breath against old age
The native medicine
To live till 100 years without old age
How to heal affections by method of self sanitation
How to heal affections by method of sobbing breath

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